
Pregnancy Tips

Tips to prevent nausea and morning sickness

  • Eat more often but smaller amounts. Try not to go more than four hours between eating.
  • Get out of bed slowly
  • Keep biscuits handy to eat before getting out of bed
  • Avoid large meals
  • Rest as much as you can as feeling tiredness makes the feeling worse
  • Try to avoid smells and food that make you feel worse
  • Clean, lemony smells may make you feel better
  • Avoid eating spicy or fatty foods
  • Try to wear loose clothes that don’t put pressure on your stomach

Tips to prevent heartburn

  • Try putting a pillow between your knees to help ease the strain on hips and knees.
  • Decrease your fluid intake in the evenings (but not during the day) and avoid caffeine to avoid heartburn.
  • Eat little and often. Drink milk or herbal teas with chamomile or fennel after eating.
  • Also eat peppermints after eating.

Travel tips

  • The second trimester is the best time to travel. At this time, you are probably over the sick and nauseous feelings of the first trimester. The miscarriage risk is also minimum at this time.
  • On the road or in the air, avoid sitting for extended periods of time, try to walk around at least every hour or two. On a plane or train, even a trip up and down the aisles can help get your circulation going. Also make frequent trips to the toilet.
  • Carry light snacks so that you do not go without food for long periods of time. Keep munching a carrot, an apple or a sandwich every hour or so.
  • In the sultry heat of India, keep water handy all the time ot prevent dehydration and cramping.
  • Use travel sickness bands - these work by massaging your pressure points.


  • If you suffer with piles during pregnancy ice packs covered with a soft cloth on the area can provide relief.
  • To relieve backache, place a warm hot water bottle on the relevant area. Press your spine against a wall and keep in that position for a few seconds.
  • For cramps, gentle exercise will help - swimming is particularly good. Raise your feet on a pillow when lying in bed.

Pain relief during labour

  • Having your back rubbed during labour helps with the pain.
  • When you are in labour, try and walk around or at least stay in an upright position for as long as possible. This speeds up the process.
  • Squatting, hands and knees or standing during delivery increases the pelvis size by over 30% giving you a faster, easier and safer delivery.
  • Eating and drinking fluids during labour is the best natural remedy for labour pain.
  • You can help your baby move into the optimal position for birth in your third trimester by making sure that your knees are lower than your hips when driving, sitting or relaxing.

Choose Name Before Pregnancy Ends

Hello everybody, we all know that picking a name is one of the most essential things you ‘ll have to decide in your pregnancy. Choose a name that your child is going to love, not anything he/she will hate or be made fun of. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a name of your child. Here are some points which will surely help you.

Meaning is another factor when picking a name, learn what that name means before you choosing it. You might want anything that means something dear to you. My daughter’s name means pure hope, I thought it was a lovely gesture and it sounded beautiful. Think about choosing a positive meaning for your child, It is the first thing that will be consider with him/her the moment he/she is born.

The origin of a name definitely help you to pick out what name you like best, this also adds a piece of history to your child. Giving your son/daughter a Punjabi name because their great grandfather originally came over from Amritsar will mean a lot to the family. Not to mention your child will always know they’re Punjabi. This doesn’t mean you can only choose names that go with your heritage and culture, there may be a name out there that belongs to your child that is not.

Gender names
Gender naming is another essential issue. Think about if the name sounds like a girl’s name or a boy’s name. There are names that can go either way such as Sam, Erin or Angel.

The Sound of the Name:
Names are hard to pronounce sometimes, not just for other people but for your child as well. Do not pick a name you have a hard enough time saying, imagine how difficult it will be for your child to learn and speak. The spells can also be a cause for concern. Your child must learn how to spell his/her name, you do not want a name that has over 20 letters long. Do you think you’d be able to learn to spell that in kindergarten(K.G.)? Think about your child first, sure the name might sound great but make sure it isn’t anything that is going to be really hard. This doesn’t mean don’t choose a name that is unique, that is what makes your child stand out. But make sure that is what you really want.

When choosing out a name, do not forget that your child may end up being called by a nickname due to the name you have picked. If this is something you do not want, try picking a name that can’t be shortened. But don’t be surprised if it happens anyways. If you don’t mind, try picking out a name that will have a nickname you thinks better.

Lastly, remember children can be cruel think about the initials your child will have. You don’t want something that it’s initials mean something else. You want your child to be proud of his/her name. Not everyone is going to like the name you have chosen for your child, but as long as it is something you like, your child will like it also.

Categories: Uncategorized, Pregnancy 

Some Ways To Stay Fit During Pregnancy

Hi, I have got some quick ways by which you can do to stay fit in pregnancy, without really having to break out a sweat. I am sure by now you’ve heard of yoga, this is a very good thing for you to do, especially if you have not always been in the best of shape. Don’t worry, there are beginning levels here, you don’t have to jump into the human pretzel right away. Try purchasing a set of small weights that you can use throughout the house, like hand weights or wrist weights that can use while walking. Instead of just laying on the couch while you rest you can be lifting small weights.

Keeping fit during your pregnancy is awesome for you, not only will it help you keep your body fit but it also can help when it comes time to push that baby out. Every pregnant woman wants to be able to go back to her pre-pregnancy weight after the baby is born, but the only way to do that is to make sure you can. By exercising or working out every day you are making sure you don’t add fat to your body. During labor it’ll be much easier to push the baby if you’ve been strengthening your leg and stomach muscles. Plus when you are tired and just feeling a little blue, just by exercising you actually increase your energy.

Try running, walking or jogging outside. Not only will this boost up your energy but it’ll also help get your spirits up, especially if you’ve been inside all day. Remember, if you are going for a walk to always bring a drink with you. You don’t want to dehydrate out there. Always make sure that you are wearing comfortable shoes, before you leave the house. If you didn’t always run, ask your doctor if you can. Sometimes a doctor may suggest you walk around the block at first and increase it from there, if you didn’t always do it before you were pregnant.

If you can you may want to try going for a bicycling or try swimming. However, if you find that you are accident prone you may want to stay away from the bike. A bike accident is something that can easily happen, even when you’ve always road a bike. Swimming can help you relax and stay cool. Take a dip in the pool near you, they may even have a swim class for pregnant women in your area. This would be a great way to meet other mothers.

But make sure whenever you are doing exercises, make sure you aren’t overdoing it. If you believe you could be stop immediately and take a break. You never want to do anything that’ll harm the pregnancy.